Choi, Y.K., Lee, W.J., Lee, C.U., and Kwon, O.K. (2019), "Study(I) on Develoment of Charts and Formulae Prediction Allowable Axial Bearing Capacity for Prebored PHC Pile Socketed into Weathered Rock through Sandy Soil Layer - An Analysis of Sharing Ratio of Skin Friction to Total Bearing Capacity (SRF) by Analyzing Pile Load Test Data-", Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society, Vol.35, No.8, pp.17-30.
- Publisher :The Korean Geotechnical Society
- Publisher(Ko) :한국지반공학회
- Journal Title :Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
- Journal Title(Ko) :한국지반공학회 논문집
- Volume : 40
- No :1
- Pages :5-14
- Received Date : 2023-11-14
- Revised Date : 2024-01-16
- Accepted Date : 2024-01-16
- DOI :https://doi.org/10.7843/kgs.2024.40.1.5