Current Issue
2024 Vol.40, Issue 6
Stress Analysis and Calculation Formular Proposal for Soil-Cement Wall Construction Method with Eccentrically Arranged H-Pile
편심 배치된 심재를 갖는 소일시멘트벽체(ESCW) 공법의 응력 산정식
Hyun-Gi Kim, Hyun-Ik Kim, Beom-Joon Kim
김현기, 김현익, 김범준
Stress Analysis and Calculation Formular Proposal for Soil-Cement Wall Construction Method with Eccentrically Arranged H-Pile
Surface Roughness Evaluation Using Drone Imagery and Terrain Factors
드론 원격영상과 지형요소를 이용한 지표면의 평탄성 연구
Jin-Woo Cho, Dae-Hong Go, Yeong-Jae Lee, Eun-Kyeong Choi, Ji-Sun Kim, Sung-Min Cho, Sung-Wook Kim
조진우, 고대홍, 이영재, 최은경, 김지선, 조성민, 김성욱
Surface Roughness Evaluation Using Drone Imagery and Terrain Factors
Analysis of Rainfall Infiltration and Slope Stability in Deforested and Forested Areas Using Real-Time Water Content Monitoring
실시간 함수비 모니터링을 통한 벌목지역과 수풀지역의 강우침투 경향 분석
Sung-Il Park, Hyung-Sik Yoo, Jae-Hong Kim, Tae-Wan Kim
박성일, 유형식, 김재홍, 김태완
Analysis of Rainfall Infiltration and Slope Stability in Deforested and Forested Areas Using Real-Time Water Content Monitoring
Development of Ground Subsidence Risk Assessment Model Using Analytic Hierarchy Process Method
AHP 기법 기반 지반침하 위험도 분석 모델 개발
Yu-Min Ji, Jung-Hwan Kim, Jae-Hwan Lee, Ho Choi
지유민, 김정환, 이재환, 최호
Development of Ground Subsidence Risk Assessment Model Using Analytic Hierarchy Process Method
Comparison of Deep Learning and Measurement-Based Methods for Settlement Prediction in Soft Ground
연약지반 침하예측을 위한 딥러닝 및 계측기반 기법의 예측 정확도 비교
Seongho Hong, Tae-Young Kwak, Sang-Inn Woo, Sung-Ryul Kim
홍성호, 곽태영, 우상인, 김성렬
Comparison of Deep Learning and Measurement-Based Methods for Settlement Prediction in Soft Ground
Verification of Bearing Capacity Enhancement Effect by Protrusions Along the Shaft of Cast-in-place Piles Using Three-Dimensional Numerical Analysis
3차원 수치해석을 통한 현장타설말뚝 주면부 돌기 형성에 의한 지지력 증대효과 검증
Seokjung Kim, Soon-Yong Jeong, Hyun-Sik Jin, Jin-Tae Han
김석중, 정순용, 진현식, 한진태
Verification of Bearing Capacity Enhancement Effect by Protrusions Along the Shaft of Cast-in-place Piles Using Three-Dimensional Numerical Analysis
Acquisition of Moonquake Seismograms from the Apollo Program and Characterization of Shallow Moonquake Spectrum Patterns
아폴로 프로그램 월진파 확보 및 얕은 월진 스펙트럼 형상 정형화
Hyung-Ik Cho, Jin-Tae Han, Jongkwan Kim, Seokjung Kim
조형익, 한진태, 김종관, 김석중
Acquisition of Moonquake Seismograms from the Apollo Program and Characterization of Shallow Moonquake Spectrum Patterns
Analysis of Multiple Correlations Between Ground Information and Final Settlement of Soft Ground Using Ensemble-Based Models
앙상블 기반 모델을 활용한 지반정보와 연약지반 최종침하량의 다중상관관계 분석
Seongho Hong, Minho Lee, Seok-Jun Ko, Tae-Young Kwak, Sung-Ryul Kim
홍성호, 이민호, 고석준, 곽태영, 김성렬
Analysis of Multiple Correlations Between Ground Information and Final Settlement of Soft Ground Using Ensemble-Based Models
Estimation of Soil Depth Using Improved Topographic Attributes in Mountainous Area
개선된 지형학적 속성을 이용한 산악지역의 토심 예측
Hosung Shin, Eun-Seok Bang
신호성, 방은석
Estimation of Soil Depth Using Improved Topographic Attributes in Mountainous Area
Slope Stability Analysis and Development of a Landslide Early Warning System for Mountain-Based Solar Power Plants
산지 태양광 발전시설의 비탈면 안정성 분석 및 물리기반 산사태 조기 경보 시스템 개발
Hwan-Hui Lim, Jun-Hyuk Jang, Ki-Il Song, Tae-Hyuk Kwon
임환희, 장준혁, 송기일, 권태혁
Slope Stability Analysis and Development of a Landslide Early Warning System for Mountain-Based Solar Power Plants
Validation of In-situ Modulus Detector for Subsurface Characterization
지반 특성을 파악하기 위한 원위치 강성분석기의 검증
Hong Ju Kim, Dong-Ju Kim, Yong-Hoon Byun
김홍주, 김동주, 변용훈
Validation of In-situ Modulus Detector for Subsurface Characterization
Development of a Low-Cost Arduino-Based System for Wall Inclination Measurement System Based Using Internal Inertial Measurement Unit Sensor
아두이노 보드와 내장 IMU 센서를 활용한 벽체 기울기 계측 시스템
Seok Hwang, Jaehun Ahn, Nguyen Huyen Tram
황석, 안재훈, 응우옌 후엔 트람
Development of a Low-Cost Arduino-Based System for Wall Inclination Measurement System Based Using Internal Inertial Measurement Unit Sensor
3D Slope Stability Analysis for Mountainous Areas Using the Limit Equilibrium Method
한계평형법에 의한 산지의 3차원 사면안정 해석
Hosung Shin, Sung-Kun Choi
신호성, 최성근
3D Slope Stability Analysis for Mountainous Areas Using the Limit Equilibrium Method
Dryness Assessment of Biopolymer-treated Sandy Soils Based on Relative Permittivity
비유전율 기반 바이오폴리머 처리 사질토의 건조도 평가
Eun Sang Lee, Hyunmuk Cho, Won-Taek Hong
이은상, 조현묵, 홍원택
Dryness Assessment of Biopolymer-treated Sandy Soils Based on Relative Permittivity