Current Issue
2024 Vol.40, Issue 4
Parametric Study on Seismic Earth Pressure Through Dynamic Numerical Analyses of Basements
동적 수치해석을 통한 베이스먼트의 지진토압에 대한 매개변수 연구
Choong-Hyun Lee, Du-Hee Park
이충현, 박두희
Parametric Study on Seismic Earth Pressure Through Dynamic Numerical Analyses of Basements
Behavior of Monopile for Offshore Wind Turbine in Loose Silty Sand under Lateral Cyclic Loading via Centrifuge Model Test
원심모형실험을 활용한 느슨한 실트질 모래지반에서 해상풍력 모노파일의 반복수평하중에 대한 거동 평가
Jae-Kweon Lee, Sung-Min Yun, Young-Jin Jeon, Jae-Hyun Kim
이제권, 윤성민, 전영진, 김재현
Behavior of Monopile for Offshore Wind Turbine in Loose Silty Sand under Lateral Cyclic Loading via Centrifuge Model Test
A Rational Ground Model and Analytical Methods for Numerical Analysis of Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR)
GPR 수치해석을 위한 지반 모형의 합리적인 모델링 기법 및 분석법 제안
Sang-Yun Lee, Ki-Il Song, June-Ho Park, Hee-Hwan Ryu, Tae-Hyuk Kwon
이상연, 송기일, 박준호, 류희환, 권태혁
A Rational Ground Model and Analytical Methods for Numerical Analysis of Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR)
Evaluation of Injection Degree of Biopolymer Grouting Using Electrical Resistivity
전기비저항을 이용한 바이오폴리머 그라우팅 주입도 평가
Minu Jun, Hyunmuk Cho, Jae-Eun Ryou, Won-Taek Hong
전민우, 조현묵, 유재은, 홍원택
Evaluation of Injection Degree of Biopolymer Grouting Using Electrical Resistivity
Automated Data Extraction from Unstructured Geotechnical Report based on AI and Text-mining Techniques
AI 및 텍스트 마이닝 기법을 활용한 지반조사보고서 데이터 추출 자동화
Jimin Park, Wanhyuk Seo, Dong-Hee Seo, Tae-Sup Yun
박지민, 서완혁, 서동희, 윤태섭
Automated Data Extraction from Unstructured Geotechnical Report based on AI and Text-mining Techniques
Experimental Assessment of Microwave Sintering Efficiency Based on System Configuration and Dwell Time
시스템 구성 및 유지시간에 따른 마이크로파 소결 효율 평가
Jangguen Lee, Hyunwoo Jin, Young-Jae Kim
이장근, 진현우, 김영재
Experimental Assessment of Microwave Sintering Efficiency Based on System Configuration and Dwell Time
Study on Outlier Analysis Considering the Spatial Distribution of Intelligent Compaction Measurement Values
지능형 다짐값의 공간적 분포를 고려한 이상치 분석 기법 연구
Taek-Kyu Chung, Jin-Woo Cho, Choong-Ki Chung, Sung-Ha Baek
정택규, 조진우, 정충기, 백성하
Study on Outlier Analysis Considering the Spatial Distribution of Intelligent Compaction Measurement Values
Performance Verification and Reliability Test of Tunnel Shotcrete Stressmeter
터널 숏크리트 응력계의 성능검증과 신뢰성 시험 연구
Yeong-Bae Kim, Yeong-Bae Park, Seong-Won Lee, Kang-Il Lee
김영배, 박영배, 이성원, 이강일
Performance Verification and Reliability Test of Tunnel Shotcrete Stressmeter
Discrete Element Method (DEM) Analysis of Soil Plug Formation in Impact-Driven Open-ended Piles
이산요소해석법을 활용한 개단말뚝의 관내토 거동 분석
Youngsang Kim, Mintae Kim
김영상, 김민태
Discrete Element Method (DEM) Analysis of Soil Plug Formation in Impact-Driven Open-ended Piles
Analysis of Slope Characteristics of Solar Power Plants in Gangwon Province based on Geospatial Database
산지 태양광 발전시설의 지형 공간 데이터베이스 구축 및 사면 특성 분석
Ji-Ho Kim, Ki-Il Song, Chan-Young Yune
김지호, 송기일, 윤찬영
Analysis of Slope Characteristics of Solar Power Plants in Gangwon Province based on Geospatial Database
Sensitivity Analysis Study of Geotechnical Factors for Gas Explosion Vibration in Shallow-depth Underground Hydrogen Storage Facility
저심도 지하 수소저장소에서의 가스 폭발 진동에 대한 지반공학적 인자들의 민감도 분석 연구
Gyu-Hyun Go, Hyeon-Jae Woo, Van-Hoa Cao, Hee-Won Kim, YoungSeok Kim, Hyun-Jun Choi
고규현, 우현재, 카오반호아, 김희원, 김영석, 최현준
Sensitivity Analysis Study of Geotechnical Factors for Gas Explosion Vibration in Shallow-depth Underground Hydrogen Storage Facility
Development of BIM Based Analytical Model for Laterally Loaded Piles with Defects and Application
BIM 기반의 단면이 손상된 말뚝의 수평 거동 해석 모형 개발과 적용
Young Wook Jung, Jaeyoon Ahn, Hyeonseoung Kim, Jaehun Ahn
정영욱, 안재윤, 김현승, 안재훈
Development of BIM Based Analytical Model for Laterally Loaded Piles with Defects and Application